prefix = sw
RSS attachment | Element | Cardinality | Value |
/channel | sw:week | 1..1 | Week number of the news in a YYYYWW format, using ISO8601 convention |
/channel/item | sw:disease-name | 1..1 | Name of the surveilled health indicator for human representation. This text could be modified |
/channel/item | sw:disease-uid | 1..1 | String uniquely identifying an health indicator from Sentiweb (persistent id) |
/channel/item | sw:map-url | 1..* | URL of the map associated with the item. This element has two attributes
/channel/item | sw:activity | 1..1 | Activity level associated with the item. Activity level refer to a classification of the level of the observed incidence for a given health indicator.
This element has 1 attribute: